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Friday, October 07, 2011


Good morning.
After a slow start on Wednesday, (at least I got my hair cut and highlighted and cut Craig's) the phone started ringing, and I became completely booked Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And actually working later Saturday than usual. The weather has been great, though I've been inside. :-( But it looks like it'll extend through the weekend. :-)
That will be good because I need to get out and start cutting back the perennials. A lot of them are way past their prime and the cold weather will soon be upon us.
The trees are turning quickly. We should be in peak color in another week or so.
And we've got a couple of companies coming out early next week for estimates on a closed system water heater. Even with the make-up air the furnace guy installed, we are still occasionally getting the water heater exhausting into the house. It isn't happening very often now since the air conditioning season is done, but when it does, the carbon monoxide detector goes off, and we get dull headaches. Can't be good for us long term.
Well anyway, have a great weekend!


  1. Hope the estimates are reasonable. For whatever reason it sounds like you need a new heater system.
    Hope the rest of your week goes well!

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hopefully the new hot water tank system will not be outrageous (cost-wise). But, you need to eliminate the carbon monoxide risk totally just for piece of mind.

    Our trees are just starting to show a hint of change (TN). We leave Monday in the MoHo for Caly-phorn-ya. :o)


  3. We have leave changing activity here too! Exciting.
