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Friday, July 27, 2018

Colorful sunrise and Black Widow

Good morning.
I've just returned from my walk.  A very nice 88 this morning. It's been a little warmer than normal with highs reaching 115. We should be back down to normal temps(105) this weekend.
Here's a pic from my walk yesterday...

We get some real pretty sunrises here.
And When I go out to the mailbox on the other side of the road about a door down the street, I've noticed a mess of webs going from the bottom of the box into the plant next to it.
It doesn't show up in this pic, but you almost walk into it getting the mail. Soo, I decided to take my spray out and saturate the area so as not to possibly get a spider in my mail when I pick it up.
So I did that early yesterday morning after my walk. And when I went out around noon to get my mail, this is what I saw.....
You can't see it in this pic, but it's got that red marking on it's belly. It was a Black Widow Spider!
These are apparently very common in the valley. But I don't want one near me!
But I hate all spiders anyway. I don't care if they're good or bad, I don't want any anywhere near me!
But I did find a little cutie in the back yard yesterday morning when I was watering my pots. It was a small lizard! About 4 inches long. He scurried way to fast to get a pic. Now they can hang out all they want. They don't bite me and eat other bugs. Hope I didn't scare him off.
Craig went to the Dermatologist a couple of days ago. He had a small scaly spot on his check he wanted checked out. It was determined to be a precancerous type of something and they froze it with Nitrous Oxide. They also froze a few other spots on his face. But they did take a couple of biopsies. One on his nose and one on his back. He'll know in 12-14 days if they are anything that needs further attention. He now has a small crater on the top of his nose that will take a couple of weeks to heal. He wouldn't let me take a pic for my blog.   :-)
And I just heard Craig get up so time to go...

1 comment:

  1. Very glad you took the pre-emptive strike with the spider!
    All lizards are good, I think.
    Sorry to hear about Craig. Will say a prayer.
