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Saturday, June 05, 2010


Last evening, a severe thunderstorm blew through the area with pounding rain, gale force winds, and even hail.
It was devastating. No, I'm fine, and the house is fine, but my plants.......especially the plant sale plants......

Torn leaves, shredded leaves, broken stems.....
What the wind didn't break, the hail shredded........
Some plants totally destroyed, like this fancy fern, many others, multiple stems broken. A lot of the plants appear to be fine, I'll be able to tell better later this afternoon when I get home from work, But I'll have to price down a whole lot of them. People don't like buying broken/damaged plants. So, I'll clean up what I can, price accordingly, and hope for the best on Sunday.
But right now, I'm one unhappy little camper. And now I've got to go to work.


  1. Damn! Sorry. I'd be unhappy too!

  2. Oh Wayne !!! I am so sorry. - G

  3. Really sorry to hear that, bro.
    But don't be too harsh. You'd be surprised. When I worked at Lowe's, there were always people wanting to buy (at a discount of course) the older wilted plants, or the plants that didn't survive shipping well. They enjoyed the challenge. Maybe you'll get a few of those shoppers. Just set aside the poorest ones and let people ask for them if they want to give them a try.
    Good luck tomorrow! *hugs*

  4. Anonymous1:31 PM

    We are also very sorry to hear about the damage.

