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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

TV's, coyotes, and puzzles

Good evening.
We've had the best weather so far this fall. Running around 10-15 above normal! Hitting 67 today. Love Las Vegas!
And, I've really gotten some good use from my now 2 TVs.....
One night I was able to watch Ellen's Game of games on the 'big' screen, and keep tabs on Survivor on the 'small' screen. Love it! I didn't think I'd watch both very often, and I haven't, but even if it's just once and a while, it's great!
Also, while we were watching the morning shows while we were having coffee, we had the top TV on with our camera system and saw this......
Two coyotes! Obviously, one in the driveway, and the other way off to the right, just above the sidewalk in the road.
And this was around 8:30 in the morning. Now I haven't seen any on my morning walks in nearly a week, but they are apparently still around.
And here's my latest puzzle......
My apple/cranberry pie is very tasty! The cranberries add a nice little tanginess to the pie.
Got my blood test results back and I'm happy to say....everything is good! My cholesterol, sugar, liver, everything! Wish I could say the same for Craig. All his results were good, except for all his Cholesterol tests. His overall cholesterol, his triglycerides, hdl, ldl, his ratio, all were bad. And we eat the same exact stuff! He's on Zetia, and Colestopol, and it just isn't quite enough. I'm on Lipitor, and my cholesterol is 158. He can't take satin's like I'm on because of liver issues, so we'll have to talk to his doctor when we go in early Jan. and see if there is anything else he can do.
And I'm very happy with my blood pressure medication. I'm currently on Metropolol and all my dizziness, lightheaded issues and balance issues are gone.  Lisinopril really did a number on me. And non of the doctors figured it out. I discovered it while researching on the internet. Convinced my doctor to change my medication, and almost immediately felt better. It took nearly a year for all the symptoms to clear, but I now, for about the last 6 months, feel 'normal' again. You really do have to be your own patient advocate!
And with that, time to go watch Survivor, and Property brothers. I love 2 TVs!


  1. I stopped my Metropolol and my side effects (memory problems, lethargy, night mares, halos around headlights etc.) were eliminated. I can't take statins either because of severe muscle cramping. My generic Lipitor works well for me also.You have to keep up on these things because the doctors often don't, or minimize the side effects. Craig shouldn't be eating those pies. Diet and exercise changes will help reduce his glucose and cholesterol problems. Best to you both.

  2. 'Toprol' did the same to me as to Gene. Vivid dreams in color! Some nights I never slept for all the intense dreaming.

    Does Craig exercise as much as you? Just curious since you eat the same.
    Of course your metabolism really has always been pretty good.

    Funny this post shows before your Christmas post. I know because I am catching up.

    A blessed New Year to you.
