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Friday, January 04, 2013

New year back-up

Good morning.
It's been a steady week in the Salon so far. Placed a couple of supply orders to restock stuff I let thin so there wouldn't be so much to count.  :-)
This morning, I did my annual back-up of my puter. Put a blank DVD in, and dragged and dropped all the folders and files I wouldn't want to lose should my puter die unexpectedly. I also saved my Bookmarks, or favorites depending on the browser you use. I use Firefox.  :-)
And with that done, I can now go back and delete the dozens and dozens of picture folders I have. That will free up a bunch of space. Then I'll clean up and defrag the puter. That's another thing that should be done periodically to keep it running smooth. I use a program called CCleaner. 
It finds way more junk than the disk clean up utility than comes with windows. Just be careful how you set it up. It will also wipe out all your saved log ins on your websites so make sure you uncheck that box.
Anyway, time for me to get to work..
Have a great weekend!


  1. Thanks, Wayne. Hope you guys have a great weekend, too!

  2. I used and liked Firefox but have found Chrome is so much better and faster!

  3. Cool! I love the ideas for cleaning the pc! I sort of float on my own these days.;) So I appreciate the info.
