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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

more apt pics

Good afternoon.
It's currently 60 out, with clouds, wind, and occasional rain.  And this is 3pm in the afternoon. It's fricken August!   60 is the average high for Las Vegas in January! And you wonder why we want to move.  :-/
Anyway, here's a few pics out our patio window in our apartment......

I like the expansive area between buildings. And all the green space.
These are the carports in the parking area to the right of our building.
We've spent a good part of the last 3 days over at the house. Cleaning, mowing and deadheading. Today, we finished up with the inside, and brought the rest of the stuff back to the apartment. The house looks damn good! Hopefully we'll close soon. Got a text from the Realtor yesterday. The buyer asked for an extension of the purchase. It was to expire at midnight. Checked my e-mail, printed, signed, and e-mailed it back. She only wanted an extension until Friday. With the appraisal not done yet, I don't know how we could close by then, but let's hope for a good appraisal and quick closing.
Getting the house more settled. Should be pretty much done by the end of next weekend. That said, with one week here, we really like the apt. Getting used to people and noises. Like being 3 minutes from work.
We did break down and get cable for TV. Our indoor antenna just wasn't getting much. Our apartment complex recommended a guy for cable service. Called him and he was over the same day.  Got basic cable added to our Internet service for just $10 more a month. Couldn't ask for more.   :-)
So back to work tomorrow, and waiting for a closing date.
I'll post when I have more...


  1. Mom said she needed her coat today. We ended up getting Direct TV. Our antenna got roughly 6 channels. 3 PBS.
    Enjoy relaxing when you can.

    1. Yes, it's been a cool wet summer. The grass has never looked this good in August.
      Our rooftop antenna at the house got like 25 channels, Our indoor antenna got maybe 5. And most of them were sparkly.

  2. Wayne, I can see it now, you are going to go over to your old house and do the yard every week for the new owner.... !! They will think they have a heated driveway as the snow will always be gone! :o)

    Nice apt.!


    1. In your dreams Mark. :-)
      Once I sign the papers, I'm done!
